How to install phpMyAdmin in SVR.JS then?
- Install SVR.JS, RedBrick, MySQL/MariaDB, mysqli connector and PHP-CGI
- Add cgi.force_redirect = 0 to your PHP configuration (it's usually located at (slash)etc(slash)php(slash)<php_version>(slash)cgi(slash)php.ini)
- Download phpMyAdmin and extract phpMyAdmin files to cgi-bin directory inside SVR.JS web root.
- Create user for phpMyAdmin on MySQL/MariaDB console like this:
Code: Select all
CREATE USER 'pma'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pmapass'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'pma'@'localhost';
- Log in into your phpMyAdmin panel (for example at http[colon]//localhost/cgi-bin/phpMyAdmin-5.2.1-all-languages/index.php)
- Navigate to a bottom of the page, click "Find out why" near "The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated.", click "Create" in "Create a database named 'phpmyadmin' and setup the phpMyAdmin configuration storage there. ". phpMyAdmin configuration database will be built up.
EDIT: If you want your phpMyAdmin to be accessible from outside cgi-bin directory, you need to use URL rewriting feature in SVR.JS. You can read about it in SVR.JS documentation.